In the Event of an Automobile Crash, Independent Investigators Are Able to Assist in a Case or Claim with Accident Reconstruction Services
An automobile accident, or car accident or crash, is an incident that occurs when a vehicle hits another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary objects. When a car crash occurs, the main parties that are involved are those directly involved in the accident: parties in the involved vehicles, the police, insurance companies, and lawyers.
After a car crash has occurred, an investigation is conducted by police or an independent investigator to reconstruct the crash to see who is at fault and what factors were involved.
Police look for traffic violations such as speeding, mechanical violations, phone use, alcohol involvement, and more that may have been a contributing factor to the crash.
Independent investigators are generally hired by lawyers or insurance companies to determine the cause of the accident and who is at fault. In particular, independent investigators are often called in to reconstruct an accident and deliver their findings to their client.
What is Accident Reconstruction?
Accident reconstruction is when a professional comes in to reverse engineer the accident to see all the factors at play and determine who is at fault. To reconstruct an accident scene, the investigator needs specific data such as the final position of the vehicle, any evidence at the scene, weather conditions if that played a factor, and interviews from the participants involved and witnesses.
The reconstruction is done through a combination of physics and engineering and is usually done either by a law enforcement officer, private investigator or a forensic engineer.
There are additional factors besides the one gleans from a look over the scene of the crash. These factors include braking, use of lights, turn signals, speed of the car, cruise control, steering angles, and weather. The most useful evidence that is left at the scene are skid marks and yaw marks. These marks can allow the investigator to calculate the speed of the vehicle before and after the collision. This is done because drivers tend to underestimate how fast they were going or do not remember accurately.
Investigators will also inspect the road surface, especially when the accident was caused due to a loss of traction. This can occur due to road debris, black ice, water, or fuel on the road.
Accident reconstructionist can help you discover the details for a car accident case that might have been missed by police. It can also help back up claims made by either one of the witnesses or drivers involved. This is especially important when the determination of fault is not entirely clear. A private investigator who specializes in accident reconstruction, can help you better understand how and why the crash occurred .
Types of Analysis of Data Used in Accident Reconstruction
A private investigator is qualified to examine a variety of data pulled from reconstructing the accident. The private investigator can guide you through their findings and help you gain an understanding as to how they reached their conclusion as to how the accident occurred.
The analysis of data includes:
- Processing and collecting evidences
- Evaluating hypotheses
- Creating models
- Recreating collisions
- Testing
- Software simulations
When Is an Accident Reconstructionist Needed?
It is a good idea to use accident reconstructionist no matter the severity of the crash. An accident reconstructionist can examine the evidence of a crash and determine how and why the accident occurred.
Common issues include:
- Injury and collision avoidance
- Code violations
- Vehicle speed
- Driver distractions
- Debris in road
- Sight distance
Need an Independent Investigator for Your Car Accident Case? Give Us a Call Today
When an accident occurs and you believe you deserve or want to know more information of what happened, hiring a private investigator that provides accident reconstruction services can help get you the closure you need for your own peace of mind or for insurance purposes.
For accident reconstruction services in Georgia and South Carolina, contact the private investigation firm of Chilton Gibbs & Associates today.