business security risks that companies face

Business Security Risks That Companies Face

Companies in Every Industry Have Business Security Risks That Must Be Assessed. Here Are Some of the Risks and Solutions Regardless of your business’s type of work, every company must handle sensitive and confidential documents. The information on these documents could range from personal employee information to client information – even your business’s banking information.…

retail inventory shrinkage causes

The Main Causes of Retail Inventory Shrinkage

Has Your Store  Fallen Victim of Significant Retail Inventory Shrinkage? Here a Few Common Causes   According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), retailers across the country reported higher inventory shrinkage rates in 2020. Inventory shrinkage is calculated by the difference in the recorded inventory and actual inventory. If you’ve crunched the numbers and suspect…


Background Checks Vs Background Investigations: The Importance Of Due Diligence BY: J ALEXANDER CHILTON, LPI, CAP For nearly two decades, I’ve been dedicated to clarifying the distinction between a background check and a background investigation. Many times I have been accused of parsing words. However, it’s important to note that the real issue lies with those who…