Private Investigators Implement Various Strategies and Techniques to Find a Missing Person
Roughly six hundred-thousand people are added to the Missing Persons database every year, yet not everyone that’s disappeared is added to it. So what exactly are the criteria to be considered a “Missing Person”? The answer is as simple as reporting them missing to the police, which subsequently adds them to the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
Although there’s a system in place to search for these people, the police frankly lack the resources and manpower to find every person that’s missing in the US. If the police suspend their search due to lack of information, the next step would be hiring a private investigator. So, how do Private Investigators find a missing person?
Here are a few methods that a licensed PI may use to track down a missing person.
Review Public Records and Conduct Background Checks
A standard practice for private investigators would be reviewing public records and conducting background checks. Considering the availability and amount of pertinent information these methods provide, a PI would consider this data first. Although access to public records varies by state, a distinguished investigator can get to this wellspring of information efficiently.
[RELATED: What Do Public Records Show?]
Physical Search and Surveillance
In addition to combing through data, a private investigation will find its way toward a physical search, and a review of available surveillance footage. Though digital media can capture a lot of information, nothing compares to experiencing a setting in the flesh.
Interview Friends, Family, and Potential Witnesses
The original, if not most popular, method of information gathering used in any investigation would be interrogation. In order to clue into where a missing person may be, the best course of action would be to ask the person that was with them last. Usually this information can be obtained through interviews with the people closest to the missing individual. Through body language, verbiage and tone, a lot can be said about the information an investigator is receiving.
Check Social Media Accounts
During a data crawl, an investigator will review any relevant and accessible public records, especially social media accounts. Not only does a profile reveal behaviors and habits of a person but it can reveal close companions and frequented locations of the person in question. With this information being free to access, a media profile review will find itself in the preliminary phases of a missing persons search.
A Private Investigator May Also Search Hospitals or Mortuaries for a Missing Person
A physical search can take an unsavory turn when the reality of a missing person leads to hospitals or mortuaries. Unfortunately, these locations yield results of worst case scenarios so an investigation will check these facilities if the need arises.
Who Hires a PI for Missing Persons?
Searching for a Missing Person is more common than one might imagine. Though most instances may lead to morbid scenarios, a search can be conducted for long-lost family members or an individual dodging financial obligations. Whatever the reason may be, a distinguished PI will be able to locate the astray individual. If you’re wondering where these merited Investigators may be, contact CGA Solutions via contact form or call us at 866-217-8581.