Theft By Deception in Georgia

What Does Theft By Deception Mean in Georgia? We’ve all been tricked before: A friend that distracts you to steal a fry. Clicking on an email that’s coded in malware. Or sending money online to a person that has no intention of paying you back. Trickery is everywhere. But what qualifies as theft by deception? …

natalie paine

Conference Spotlight: Chief Assistant District Attorney Natalie Paine

Natalie Paine Will Be Presenting at the First Annual Security & Licensed Investigator Conference Regarding Organized Crime Investigations Organized crime circuits are dangerous criminal enterprises that cost their communities millions of dollars and countless lives. Only the bravest and most skilled private investigators dare to enter the realm of organized crime investigation. CGA Solution’s First…

What Does Yellow Tape Mean at a Police Scene?

Ever Wonder What the Yellow Tape Means at a Police Scene? Here’s What It Means Yellow tape, also known as crime scene tape or barrier tape, is a bright yellow tape made of durable and tear-proof plastic that may say POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS, CAUTION, or CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS. But what does…

latest on ORC theft

The Latest on ORC Theft 2021

Stay Up to Date on the Latest Organized Retail Crime News Organized retail crime (ORC) has been increasing tremendously over the last few years. And, 2021 has seen a spike in ORC theft attacks. And with the holiday seasons quickly approaching, we should expect the retail theft to increase even more. So what’s the latest…

how private investigators help find missing persons

How Private Investigators Help Find Missing Persons

Private Investigators Implement Various Strategies and Techniques to Find a Missing Person Roughly six hundred-thousand people are added to the Missing Persons database every year, yet not everyone that’s disappeared is added to it. So what exactly are the criteria to be  considered a “Missing Person”? The answer is as simple as reporting them missing…