Private Investigation Services for Insurance Companies in Georgia & South Carolina

We offer a wide array of support to our Insurance clients by providing clear, concise information through tested, trained, experienced investigators and investigative techniques. Located in Augusta, Ga, Atlanta, Ga, & Savannah, Ga, we conduct private investigations for insurance companies throughout Georgia and South Carolina. Additionally, we conduct insurance claims investigations on both domestic and foreign grounds to best serve the insurance companies. Our assets, both human and technical, allow us to excel in the types of investigation needed by our insurance clients.

Our insurance claims investigators are trial-proven and have provided professional testimony in state, federal, military courts as well as promotion review boards, labor dispute hearings, human relations review boards, civilian review boards, and professional licensing review boards. We approach every investigation from a team assignment perspective with the single premise of conducting a fact investigation.

Below is an overview of some of the investigations we have performed for our Insurance Clients:

  • Actual and Technical Surveillance
  • Witness Development and Interviews
  • Adverse Party and Witness Due Diligence
  • Site Survey (Foreign and Domestic)
  • Asset Verification (Foreign and Domestic)
  • Drone and UAV Services

Post Critical Incident Debriefing Investigations

Post Critical Incident Debriefings (PCID) – not to be confused with Critical Incident Stress Debriefings –  can be an important strategic tool for life, health, safety, and security performance improvements. When conducted properly, PCID is an equal mixture of a fact investigation and solid cognitive interviews. PCID can help identify any number of human, institutional, environmental, situational, and other ancillary factors that may have contributed to the critical incident that had occurred. 
Once identified, these factors can be properly analyzed and individually addressed to help bring substantive change to improve policy, procedure and overall risk management of any given environment, situation, or event. 

PCID can be used in a variety of settings and situations. More specifically, where there are anticipated losses due to a disastrous situation. 


A PCID situation can include: 

  • Construction and Industrial Catastrophes 
  • Fire and Explosions 
  • Unattended Deaths 
  • Acts of Workplace Violence 
  • Losses Related to Civil Unrest

Discuss Your Case with a Licensed Private Investigator

We have offices located in Augusta, Ga, Atlanta, Ga, and Savannah, Ga. However, we are licensed to serve clients in both Georgia and South Carolina. To discuss your case with a professional private investigator, reach out to our investigation firm today.