Richard Dixon Will Be a Speaker at CGA Solutions’ First Annual Security and Licensed Investigator Conference March 16-17, 2022
How do we define the ethical code of a private investigator? We define ethics as the moral philosophies that govern our behavior and the principles by which we live and work. In the unique field of private investigation, ethics are a special subject. We’ve sought advice on the matter from one of the industry’s leading private investigation ethics experts, Richard Dixon. He will be speaking at CGA Solutions’ First Annual Security and Licensed Investigator Conference on March 17th at 3:30 p.m. Reserve your ticket today by going to our Eventbrite page.
Learn from an Expert in PI Ethics
The ethical code of a private investigator is unlike that of any other profession. Things that might seem unethical to everyday citizens, like following someone in your car or prying into someone’s deep, personal secrets are just part of another day on the job. But private investigators are not above the laws of ethics. The professional ethical code of a private investigator may be different than that of someone in a different profession, but it is still extremely important to uphold.
Richard Dixon is an expert in private investigation ethics with 35 years of experience in the law enforcement industry. He has a wide range of experience across different areas of law enforcement, from working investigations for the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office to teaching defensive tactics internationally.
This unique experience gives him the collective knowledge to understand the important role of ethics in law enforcement and private investigation. Now, he’s giving a one-time presentation on Ethics for Private Investigators at our First Annual Security and Licensed Investigator Conference. Read on to learn more about the extraordinary career and experiences of Richard Dixon.
Beginnings in Law Enforcement
In 1986, Dixon launched his law enforcement career as a special response officer for Plant Vogtle, a nuclear generating plant in Waynesboro, Georgia. In 1991, he joined the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office as a patrol officer and quickly moved to investigations. From 1996 to 2002, he served on the Crime Suppression Team.
He assisted in writing a grant expanding the K-9 division of the agency and was a K-9 handler for many years. Dixon served as a SWAT team member from 1992 to 2003, holding positions of element leader and sniper. He became certified as SWAT Levels I, II, and III as well as a Master SWAT Instructor.
Teaching Law Enforcement on an International Level
In 2003, Dixon joined the GPSTC as the In-service Coordinator for the Basic Training Division of the Augusta Regional Police Academy. He trained officers in a 13 county region of eastern Georgia. Three years later, he was promoted to supervisor at the GPSTC Regional Police Academy in Athens.
He was promoted again to Director of the Augusta Regional Police Academy in 2007 and later went on to direct the regional academies in both Dalton and Athens. Dixon currently serves as the Academy Director for both the Athens and Columbia County Academies in Georgia covering 37 counties.
He has taught defensive tactics to agencies in 32 states, Puerto Rico, and Canada while working for HSS International over the course of 8 years. Dixon has also co-authored the Student Control Tactics manual, which has been implemented by the Regional Police Academy system in Georgia. Dixon has trained over 7000 officers in the state of Georgia as well as hundreds of civilians.
Professional Development and Community Enrichment
Dixon is highly dedicated to professional development and continuous education. He holds degrees in Criminal Justice, Business Management, and an MBA in Human Resource Management. He holds more than 4000 hours of law enforcement training. He also holds instructor certifications in firearms, defensive tactics, EVOC, and ethics.
Additionally, Dixon holds professional certifications in the following: GA. POST Peace Officer/GA. POST Firearms Instructor/GA. POST Defensive Tactics Instructor/SSGT Defensive Tactics Instructor Levels I and II/SSGT Defensive Tactics Instructor Trainer/GA. POST EVOC Instructor/GA. POST Shotgun Instructor/GA. POST Sniper/GA. POST Tactical Rifle/Ga. POST Ethics Instructor, Supervision and Management Levels I, II and III.
Dixon is a member of the Georgia Associations of Chiefs of Police and is a board member of the J.D. Paugh Foundation, a non-profit organization that gives back to the law enforcement community. He has been married to Chris Boyd Dixon for 38 years and together they have four sons.
Ethics for Private Investigators: Presented by Richard Dixon on March 17th in Augusta, GA
If you would like to learn more about private investigation ethics from an expert source with internationally renowned teaching skills, come to CGA Solutions’ First Annual Security and Licensed Investigator Conference March 16-17, 2022. Richard Dixon will be speaking on March 17th at 3:30 pm.
The conference will feature top-tier speakers from the industries leading professionals in Security and Investigation on the following topics: Practical Aspects of Death Investigation, Perimeter and Facility Security, Organized Crime Investigations for Private Investigators, Negligent Security Investigations, Crimes Against the Vulnerable and Elderly (CAVE), Active Shooter Mitigation Training, How To Engage Your Federal Law Enforcement Partners, Investigating Officer-Involved Shootings and Ethics for Private Investigators. Classes are eligible for CE credits, so sign up today!